Children are going to lose all their teeth. Who better to lead them through this process than the Tooth Fairy?
When my daughter [yes, I have a daughter and good thing too, who do you think will be taking over the business] was younger I wanted to come up with original ideas to celebrate the fall of her teeth and teach her all about having a healthy smile. I also wanted to have a record of her smile, so I started a journal-The Tooth Fairy Journal. Now, I want to move enterprises into the future.
After decades of typical tooth commodity exchanges I have decided it is time to embrace new forms of technology. Don’t get me wrong I will continue to offer ‘coin for calcium’ I just wanted put a new spin on tradition, so to say, and assist those interested in creating new memories for the children in their lives.
This version of The Tooth Fairy Journal tells your toothy tales across media. So, I am inviting you to participate, collaborate, and create new traditions & memories.
Care to send me some words? Discuss any issues with the Tooth Fairy Journal? Or something you see here?
Simple, just email me and let me know the problem and I will work with you to fix it.